791 registrants

4th Lawyer Linguist virtual event

Dec 9, 2015

Conference recap


Date: Dec 9, 2015
Registrants: 791
Attendees: 588
Sessions: 14



Welcome Address

Time: 13:00 to 13:10

Legal Issues Surrounding Machine Translation and Data Privacy

Time: 13:15 to 13:55

The Lawyer-Linguist as Interpreter

Time: 14:00 to 14:55

Translating Across Legal Systems

Time: 15:00 to 15:55

Areas of Opportunity for Lawyer-Linguists in the International Human Rights Arena

Time: 16:00 to 16:55
Virtual powwow

“Ask the Lawyer-Linguist” Chatroom

Time: 17:00 to 19:30

Training for Lawyer-Linguists

Time: 17:05 to 17:55

The Multilingual Law Student

Time: 18:05 to 18:50

Closing remarks

Time: 18:55 to 19:05

The Role of the Lawyer-Linguist in the Language Services Industry

Time: 19:00 to 19:05

Working as a Freelance Lawyer-Linguist for the UN, States and Other Non-State Actors

Time: 19:05 to 19:10

The Lawyer-Linguist as CEO

Time: 19:15 to 19:20

Working as a Lawyer-Linguist for the European Court of Justice (Freelancers and In-House)

Time: 19:20 to 19:25

Maintaining a Law Practice as a Lawyer-Linguist

Time: 19:30 to 19:35

Conference feedback

I loved it.It was quite dynamic,useful and informative.

Jelena Jovanovic
Member since: Jun 6, 2014

Great presentation and very useful!

Parid Plaku
Member since: Dec 12, 2013

Really interesting and many personal questions found answers. For future events, I hope that technical problems will be less important... A great moment

Member since: Oct 20, 2010

After an initial brief period of technical difficulties with the audio; I thought the presentation was not only well -presented and interesting, but that it also offered a lot of useful and new information, as well. Thanks again for this well-received yearly event, Suzanne: keep up the good work!

Member since: Sep 16, 2008

Bunch of thanks.

Very interesting, indeed! Kind regards, Emanuela

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Search chat logs


Chat session:

Chat session is based on session start and end time. There may be some overlap.

Time From To Content
15:20 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All You mean: translators talk a lot about prices? That's true, but we're only with 10 people attending now.
15:21 Jun 6, 2014 Barbara Carrara: 934537 All Pricing is getting trickier with every job, both with agencies and private clients. And there doesn't seem to be much room for negotiation either...
15:21 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All @Lucia: ok, deal, as long as you don't charge more than 0.00 euro's/word
15:21 Jun 6, 2014 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All HEY! That's not fair!!!
15:21 Jun 6, 2014 César Yamandú Sánchez Franco: 35323 All oh someone valiant activated his webcam!
15:21 Jun 6, 2014 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All ok, I'll do it for free as a tokem of my appretiation :)
15:21 Jun 6, 2014 César Yamandú Sánchez Franco: 35323 All I am not alone anymore! :)
15:21 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All I thinkg the problem with MT is that people think translation is easy and therefore has to be cheap.
15:22 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All @Lucia: thank you. You're a sport.
15:22 Jun 6, 2014 César Yamandú Sánchez Franco: 35323 All Lucia is great!
15:22 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All Oh, César, I see you. But you don't move much.
15:22 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All And you don't say anything either.
15:24 Jun 6, 2014 starlightaloud: 1624756 All https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeF7ykpRRc4
15:24 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All And with Harumi I only get a blank spot. I think my connection isn't fast enough for this kind of thing. Hé Harumi disaapeared
15:24 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All Yes, "we didn't budget for this"...
15:25 Jun 6, 2014 Manuela Ribecai: 1214732 All someone to give me a report of what you said?
15:25 Jun 6, 2014 starlightaloud: 1624756 All it's old but i only discovered it recently, hilarious!
15:25 Jun 6, 2014 Barbara Carrara: 934537 All Ah, yes, the 'budget'... If there is one thing that hardly ever budges is the 'budget'...
15:25 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All About "test": I had just read today about somebody asking a free test of ... 1500 words!
15:26 Jun 6, 2014 starlightaloud: 1624756 All scam?
15:26 Jun 6, 2014 Manuela Ribecai: 1214732 All :[
15:26 Jun 6, 2014 Barbara Carrara: 934537 All haha!
15:26 Jun 6, 2014 Henry Dotterer: 1 All this room disconnected but I am again
15:27 Jun 6, 2014 Peter Motte: 30753 All Now César turned into David?
15:27 Jun 6, 2014 Henry Dotterer: 1 All this system is as MT