Seeking Mentor

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Запрос - Наставничество
От: Nica Wooters
Размещено:Jan 5, 2023
Местонахождение: Los Angeles
Описание:I am looking for a translation mentor! As I begin my freelance translation career I am hoping to glean insights from someone who already knows the ropes.

I'm open to learning from translators specializing in any language pair, subject matter, or discipline. My language pairs are ES<>EN and PT>EN and I have a specific interest in translating for academia, community-based non profits, and journalistic endeavors as well as having some experience in subtitling. That having been said, I am of course very interested in an array of specialties and would really appreciate the wisdom and guidance of a mentor from the community. Also, I hope it goes without saying that I am open and looking forward to meeting mentors from any and all parts of the globe!

Happy new year to all!

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