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CAT Tool & Software Day

Sep 28, 2012


How to use memoQ as your single translation tool

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Click here to visit the Kilgray/memoQ exhibit booth for more details and to download additional memoQ information.

Freelance translators are sometimes put in the difficult situation of being asked to use many different translation tools for various projects and clients. In these challenging economic times, everyone tries to optimize costs, avoid extra purchases, and get the most out of their investments.

memoQ is known for its interoperability with other CAT tools, which can mean fewer tools for you to use. Experience how easily you can translate packages received from other tools.

Speakers:Balázs Kis
Balázs Kis has a degree in IT engineering from the Technical University of Budapest and a PhD in applied linguistics from the University of Pécs. Prior to founding Kilgray, he was a Microsoft systems engineer and trainer (MCSE, MCT) and the most prominent Hungarian IT author with over 20 titles published. He was also the head of research and development at MorphoLogic, and taught translation technology at the ELTE University of Budapest. He’s got massive experience in collaborative translation and project management - besides writing his own titles, he coordinated the translation of over fifty Microsoft Press books at the publishing house SZAK.

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