Sur quoi les traducteurs travaillent actuellement

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Sur quel projet de traduction travaillez-vous en ce moment ?

Alexandra Maldwyn-Davies, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

Currently working on a romantic fiction series for a Paris-based video games company! Love it!


1 user

I Do That

1 user

Alexandra Maldwyn-Davies, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

Currently working on a rom


I Do That

Alexandra Maldwyn-Davies, publiant à partir de, a partagé :

Just finished a novel for AmazonCrossing (La Lettre Froissée by Alice Quinn)... and have another one lined up (Bill: Dangereuse Innocence by Chris Loseus. This is a very exciting stage in my career. I'm looking for more authors to work with in the near future. And I'm looking foward to attending this year's London Book Fair to meet with my editors and make some more contacts in the industry!


I Do That