Job closed
This job was closed at Mar 22, 2024 13:22 GMT.

Microlearning Copywriting US ENG to UK ENG

Заказ опубликован на: Mar 21, 2024 13:34 GMT   (GMT: Mar 21, 2024 13:34)

Job type: Заказ на услуги перевода/редактирования/корректуры
Service required: Copywriting
Confidentiality level: MEDIUM

Языки: английский

Языковый вариант: US English to UK English

Описание заказа:
We have a project for copy editing, transitioning from US English to UK English. The content involves microlearning (approximately 10 minutes in duration). We will provide you with the online link to access the content for quoting purposes. Additionally, we will provide you with the following materials for the actual work: text on slides, a script for voice recording (to be recorded in UK English), a job aid (a downloadable document), and for the video, both the on-screen text and the captions.
Please provide your hourly rate for this task. Upon reviewing the provided link, you can estimate the total hours required for completion. Furthermore, we require an estimated turnaround time to communicate to the client. We need to establish a timeline with the client before initiating the project.
Before sharing the project files, we will need some company documents signed.

Метод оплаты: Оплата через систему Paypal.
Payment terms: 30 дней с даты выставления счета.
Poster country: США

Параметры отбора поставщиков услуг (указываются заказчиком):
info Желательна компетенция: Общественные науки
info Требуется родной язык: английский
Тематика: Общественные науки, социология, этика и т.д.
info Требуется местонахождение: Великобритания
Крайний срок подачи предложений: Mar 22, 2024 13:22 GMT
Срок выполнения заказа: Apr 8, 2024 13:22 GMT
Информация о заказчике:
This job was posted by a Business member.

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Получено предложений: 1 (Job closed)