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Chinese to English Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs Translation Glossary

Chinese term English translation
(Family name) Ah Kau @ (Family name) Hock Tay (姓氏)阿九/亚九 @(xxxx)福郑
86戶校. 常兵備役. FYI
@ used to be called
原戶長 Original head of the household
Entered by: Bea Geenen
南市府環操證字第XXX號 NSFHCZ No.XXX
受检者 patient/subject/testee
Entered by: Denyce Seow
奉於民國xxx改制為樹林市 Respectfully restructure/reorganize as Shulin City in XXX (西元年份).
学籍号 Student Number
寄住人口 temporary resident from other district of the same city
工作经历证明 proof of work experience
Entered by: Denyce Seow
常住人口登记卡 Permanent residents registration card
企外沪驻字第xx号 Foreign Enterprise (Shanghai) Registration Number xx
企业法人代码证书 Corporation Code Certificate
待业 Unemployed
保健食品注册批件 A Registraion Approval of Health-care Foodstuff
准驾车型代号规定 Classification of vehicle for which the driver's license is valid:
共同财产分割协议 Property Settlement Agreement
兹有龙沙镇青龙村十组xxxxxx production team/group
国家和省部级工法 Certificate of a Nationally Recognized Engineering Method
国籍 country of citizenship
Bi Zi Di Diploma Number
粤 江民婚字 第XXXX号 Marriage Certificate by the Civil Affairs Ministry of Jiangmen, Guangdong Number XXXX
经审核合格,予以注册,发给×证书 [name of the certificate holder] is hereby awarded XX and registered as XX upon appraisal
结婚证字号: 渝民结字 01020304 Marriage Certificate Serial Number: Chongqing Residence Marriage No.01020304
由派出所注销户口后送分局户籍科转送区卫生院 household register; local police station; household branch, district hospital, etc.
监制 issued and supervised by
静结 Jing Jie /Certificate of Marriage by District of Jing-an
证外字第1000号 registered No 1000
重庆市公安局 龙沙派出所 户口专用 Special Seal for Household Register, Longsha Police Station, Chongqing Public Security Bureau
退党申请 party membership withdrawal application
~{5wU{~} reallocation
~{;;R3~} revision swapped
渝万州证字第4485号 Chongqing City, Wanzhou District Public Notary Office, Serial Number 4485.
持证人 certificate hol
服务处所 employer
Entered by: Denyce Seow
本人成份 social class status (personal)
本注册登记证明书 this certificate of license registration
户籍所在 place of permanent residence
承办人签章 Undertaker's sign and seal
总评榜 overall rank / ranked / ranking
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