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Spanish to English Poetry & Literature Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
a la regia mesa. at the royal table
Entered by: Ana Vozone
amontonarme con la manada ...lumping me with the common herd
codo a codo por in a desperate bid for/in a close/tight battle/vying closely for
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
en seguridad de personas e intalaciones Personnel and Facility Security
Entered by: Erzsébet Czopyk
hemos de aferrarnos a la esperanza we must cling to hope/ hold on to hope
infinitos planos musicales infinite musical planes
itinerarios históricos de defensa de la vida traditional views on the sanctity of life
Entered by: Marian Vieyra
la grieta se vio ante los ojos del leñador, the crack caught the woodsman's eyes/attention
la postergada construcción de un mundo mejor? the deferred building of a better world
los tíos eran un poco filósofos the/these uncles had something of the philosopher about them/were somewhat akin to philosophers
mendigos de lujo. upmarket beggars/upper class beggars
negaban a la cultura cubana la nutricia raíz que nos llegó de África denied the influence on Cuban culture of our African roots
no me contarás la retahila. you won't drag on and on...
o sea which was
permanecerán en nuestra memoria ...contenida en las cosas más sencillas will remain in our memory ...contained in the simplest of things
Porque sí nomás, Just because./Just for the sake of it.
rico pollito yummy food/yummy chicken
Un dia dije que dejé de amarte, aunque siga queriendote más allá de la muerte One day I told you that I stopped loving you, even though I will love you until the day I die
una inmensa humareda de polvo A gigantic dust cloud
una ortopédica zanahoria con chile She pampered his rickety old bones with chili.
ya que no cabía en el asombro he couldn't believe what he saw when he woke up
Ya tardaba! It couldn't last! / Too much to expect!
yo tenía ganas de hablar con usted I\'ve been wanting to talk to you
"...realizar la mayor capacidad de los registros del ser humano." express the fullest possibilities / strike the deepest chords of human sensibilities...
Entered by: eski
"atina color" "that don't even come close"
Entered by: eski
"bracero de sacrificio" sacrificial pyre / sacrificial urn
"Cuartel General de la Junta de Defensa" Headquarters of the (National) Defence Council
"curar" cool/awesome
Entered by: Thayenga
"en cuyos patios se alzaba el vapor del ordeño" with steam from the milking rising up from their courtyards
"Es indescifrable el misterio..." "The mystery... is impenetrable"
"fantasía mecánica" Callous fantasy
"juegos florales" floral games
"la historia universal es la de un solo hombre." the history of all men is the history of one man
"la sombra de una falda disfrazada de tia" "the dark shadow of a skirt masquerading as an aunt"
Entered by: Marian Vieyra
"meter a todos en la misma bolsa" lump them all together
"No hay nada tan bello, tan grato y tan grande como las cosas misteriosas" see below
"Para sustos estuvo bueno" That was quite a scare!
"pues á falta de dulce bizcochuelo" Well, if there is no sweet angel cake
"se les pasó la mano" (Does this mean that they killed her?) (Yes, they most likely killed her) they crossed the line, they went overboard, they went too far
"Sentarse en un murete a esperar" "To sit on a low wall to wait"
Entered by: PHYSICIST
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