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Glossary of Legal Terminology - English-German
Dustin DeGrande (published by Wisconsin Director of Court Services_ |
English-German Legal Glossary - 472 words.
Legal Vocabulary - English/French
State of Maryland, Administrative Offices of the Court |
English/French Legal Glossary (pdf to download)
English-Chinese Legal Glossary
Wisconsin Director of Court Services |
Glossary of Commonly Used Court & Justice System Terminology ifrom English to both Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
Arabic-English Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California - County of Sacramento |
Arabic-English Legal Glossary
English-Armenian Legal Glossary
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento |
English-Armenian Legal Glossary (Western Armenian)
English-Arabic Glossary of Legal Terms
Wisconsin Director of State Courts |
English-Arabic legal glossary comprised of 472 words.
Hmong-English Legal Glossary
Wisconsin Director of State Courts |
This is believed to be the first Hmong-English legal glossary in the United States. It defines more than 800 common court terms and suggests equivalent White Hmong phrases for many of them. We hope the glossary will be useful to the courts, law enforcement, social services, researchers, teachers, and state government as a resource for interpreting ... View more
Multilingual Legal Glossary
Vancouver Community College, Vancouver, B.C., Canada |
Vancouver Community College is pleased to provide you with this glossary of 5000 Canadian legal and court-related terms in English Plain Language, and their equivalents in six other languages (Chinese, Farsi, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese).
Persian (Farsi)
quality-Datenbank Klaus Gebhardt e.K. |
Erklärungen und Begriffe aus dem Lexikon (Glossar). Das Schlagwortverzeichnis unserer Datenbank bietet Ihnen eine umfassende Liste von Schlüsselwörtern (Keywords).537 Seiten im Lexikon.
Diccionario español monolingüe de términos económicos y financieros. Monolingual Spanish language dictionary of economic and financial terms by La Caixa, one of Spain's biggest savings banks.
Diplomatic glossary
The Washington Diplomat |
This Web site contains about 60% of the information included in our monthly newspaper, The Washington Diplomat. There are additional resources on this Web site that are not included in our newspaper. The Washington Diplomat is an independent monthly newspaper with a readership of more than 80,000. It is distributed to all Washington-based foreign... View more
Comisión de Derecho y Práctica Mercantil de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional (CLP-ICC). |
Glosario con los incoterms, lo que significan.
Glossario previdenziale italiano - italiano
INPS - a cura di Assunta e Cecilia Ruscitto |
ccordo internazionali di sicurezza sociale convenzione tra due o più Paesi sull’applicazione delle misure di sicurezza sociale ai rispettivi cittadini addetto ai servizi domestici e familiari collaboratore familiare, lavoratore domestico, colf adeguamento pensione rivalutazione annuale commisurata all’aumento del costo della vita acc... View more
Glossario previdenziale inglese - italiano
INPS - a cura di Assunta e Cecilia Ruscitto |
accrue a right (to) maturare diritto accrued contribution contributi accreditati acquired right diritto acquisito Administrative Commission Commissione Amministrativa adopted children figli affiliati
Glossario previdenziale italiano - inglese
INPS - a cura di Assunta e Cecilia Ruscitto |
a tempo determinato temporary accordo bilaterale bilateral agreement accordo internazionale di sicurezza sociale international agreement of social security
Business Dictionary
WebFinance Inc. (an internet company) | features over 20,000 definitions and over 115,000 links between related terms providing a clear and concise description of any and all business terms. Monolingual English. Can search by subject or keyword: subjects include accounting, auditing, banking, currency trading, disaster plannint & risk management, inventory control,... View more
Legal Dictionaries
АК 'Право международной торговли' |
Опубликованные в данном разделе юридические словари содержат терминологию всех отраслей права и характеризуются детальной разработкой в области гражданского права.
Englesko-hrvatski i hrvatsko-engleski glosar pojmova iz Sporazuma o stabilizaciji
Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija Republike Hrvatske |
lexique du tribunal de commerce de Paris |
Petit lexique des termes utilisés au greffe du tribunal de commerce de Paris
Petit lexique des termes utilisés au greffe du tribunal de commerce de Paris
greffe du tribunal de commerce de Paris |
noms et définitions en français
Legal English
Matthew Holway |
A breakdown of English (civil law) legal terminology with descriptions. Useful for non English mother-tongue speakers looking for clear explanations of terminology.
Краткий англо-русский словарь терминов банковского дела и финансов
Département d'Economie de l'Université catholique de LOUVAIN |
Very comprehensive English-French and French-English spreadsheet glossary of economics * acronyms * 11,000 entries * terms and expressions * crossed references * synonyms/options * usage (GLOSSPOST ADMINISTRATION NOTE: DOWNLOADABLE EXCEL FILE).
DLC Business Glossary
ERI Distance Learning Center |
English Monolingual Business Glossary This glossary of business definitions contains over 2,000 business terms used in compensation and benefits administration. Continually updated, this specialized business dictionary focuses on definitions of Human Resources terms and business terms.
Lexique de construction |
Plusieurs lexiques (construction, immobilier, financier, abbreviations)
glossary of terms relating to intellectual property (IP), copyrights, trademarks, patents, commercial litigation, art, music, science, entertainment, media, publishing, e-commerce and technology law.
Glossary of Terms in Managed Health Care Definitions of commonly used terms in the medical provider, hospital and managed care industries. This dictionary is comprised of 26 individual pages, one for each letter of the alphabet. To find a certain word that starts with this letter of the alphabet, may we suggest that you please try the "find" or... View more
Lexique de droit - Français - Corse
ADECEC - Cervioni 1983 |
Lexique alphabétique particulier traitant le secteur du droit de Français vers Corse
Glossary of Legislative Terms
Washington State Legislature |
Comprehensive, alphabetical list of legislative terms. English/Spanish glossary of legislative terms. [Parallel files.]
((Abstract)) Le Glossaire de l'économie de l'OCDE, fruit du travail quotidien des traducteurs et des experts de l'OCDE, est un outil de référence essentiellement pragmatique. Cette édition revue et augmentée du Glossaire de l'économie anglais-français publié en 1992, contient quelque 30 000 termes et expressions et couvre un très large variété d... View more
Fachwörterbuch Technik
FIZ Karlsruhe |
Deutsch Englisches Wörterbuch mit Begriffen aus Bauwesen, Bergbau, Biologie, Chemie, Elektrotechnik, Energiewirtschaft, Erdgas, Geothermie, Kerntechnik Kfz-Technik, Kraftwerkstechnik, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Mathematik, Medizin, Physik, Recht, Solartechnik Strömungstechnik, Technik, Umwelt, Verfahrenstechnik, Verkehr, Werkstoffe, Wirtschaft
Business English
Colaboração: Paulo Maurício P. Murad em |
English - Portuguese Business glossary - Good choice of words. Professional and clear. Covers several fields.
Dictionnaire du droit privé français
par Serge Braudo | http://www.dictionnaire-juridique.c...
rédigé par Serge Braudo, Conseiller honoraire à la Cour d'appel de Versailles Liste de toutes les définitions voir aussi le site de base :
TUTTE LE DEFINIZIONI Questo dizionnario è la versione in lingua italianna del "Dictionnaire du Droit Privé" de Monsieur Serge Braudo, Magistrat Honoraire. La traduzione del dizionnario originale è stata effectuata dal Sig. Stéphane Bouché, "chercheur en droit comparé" franco-italiano, con il consenso del Sig. Braudo. Vedere anche il sito di ba... View more
Banque terminologique (belge) FR, DE, NL
Service central de traduction allemande ° Zentrale Dienststelle für deutsche Übersetzungen ° Centrale dienst voor Duitse vertaling |
SEMAMDY est une banque de données terminologique trilingue (français/allemand/néerlandais) née de la nécessité d'uniformiser, au sein du Service central de traduction allemande, le vocabulaire utilisé notamment dans les traductions officielles en langue allemande de textes légaux et réglementaires. Il s'agit donc d'un simple outil de travail inte... View more
Umfangreiches, einsprachiges Glossar rund um den Arbeitsplatz und das Arbeitsrecht
Falls Sie in unserem Glossar nicht fündig werden sollten, haben wir hier [Link] eine Übersicht zu juristischen Wörterbüchern und Ratgebern haben wir für Sie zusammengestellt.
Dieses Glossar umfasst 219 Artikel.