Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 26 '20 deu>eng rechnerplangestützt according to/in accordance with the computer(-generated) (treatment) plan pro closed ok
- May 25 '20 deu>eng Blickdeviation nach kranial cranial/upward eye deviation//cranial/upward deviation of the patient's eyes/upgaze pro closed ok
- May 25 '20 deu>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Jan 30 '20 deu>eng Neulandmethode unestablished or emerging treatment pro closed ok
- Jan 12 '20 deu>eng Transparenzminderung reduced/decreased transparency/translucency/radiolucency pro closed no
4 Feb 6 '16 deu>eng Achillessehnengrube Achilles tendon groove pro closed ok
- Nov 26 '12 deu>eng perlschnurartig cord-like / rolled pro closed ok
- Sep 15 '12 deu>eng Potenzminderung decreased erectile function pro just_closed no
- Mar 18 '12 deu>eng Schilddrüsenautonomie toxic goitre/Plummer's disease pro closed ok
- Sep 14 '10 deu>eng Belastung it's impossible for the patient to put a strain on (their legs), straining is impossible for the pat pro closed no
- Feb 25 '10 deu>eng Follikulometrie folliculometry pro closed ok
- Jul 3 '09 deu>eng mit vertretbarem Aufwand using a reasonable amount of time, money and human resources pro closed ok
4 Jun 29 '09 deu>eng Entsäuerungskur acid-base balancing treatment pro closed no
- Apr 3 '09 deu>eng Frau Dipl.-Dok. Our information specialist Ms Martina A. [...] pro just_closed no
- Mar 7 '09 deu>eng Answer hidden by answerer pro closed ok
- Dec 17 '08 deu>eng tiefenwirksam A therapeutic infrared radiation to safely penetrate deep into the skin pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '08 deu>eng Grenzonenreflex intima-media thickness (IMT) pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered