Job closed
This job was closed at May 15, 2024 00:00 GMT.

Japanese copywriting, long-term, e-commerce platform

Geplaatst: Apr 22, 2024 02:03 GMT   (GMT: Apr 22, 2024 02:03)

Job type: Vertaal-/corrigeer-/proefleesopdracht
Service required: Copywriting

Talen: English to Japanese, French to Japanese, German to Japanese, Italian to Japanese, Japanese, Japanese to English, Japanese to French, Japanese to German, Japanese to Italian, Korean to Japanese, Spanish to Japanese

Beschrijving van de offerte-aanvraag:
Looking for Japanese copywriter for e-commerce platform

Duty: write marketing titles and descriptions (selling promotional content and selling points)in Japanese language of products sold on the e-commerce platform according to the categories and interests.

1. Japanese native, rich experience in copywriting and very familiar with e-commerce sites, such as Amazon, marketing experience is best;
2. Experienced in e-commerce title & description for Japanese copywriting with strong information retrieval skills;
3. have an accurate understanding of the client's rules;
4. responsible, able to cooperate with the client's feedback for modification.
5. accept an unpaid and short test to understand the project

Welcome to send your CV to [HIDDEN] I will check your message and communicate with you as soon as possible.

Poster country: China

Doel van dienstverlener (gespecificeerd door opdrachtgever achter deze offerte-aanvraag):
info Meest gewenste specifieke velden: Advertising / Public Relations
info Meest gewenste moedertaal: Japanese
Onderwerp-veld: Internet, e-Commerce
info Meest gewenste locatie van de offerte-indiener: Japan
Uiterste indiendatum offertes: May 15, 2024 00:00 GMT
Leverdatum: May 17, 2024 00:00 GMT
Over de opdrachtgever:
This job was posted by a Business Plus member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.7 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.