8,326 registrants

CAT Tool & Software Day

Sep 28, 2012

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Results (8,325) (Members shown first)
Marianne Giammarco Contact directly
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Libera Università degli Studi San Pio V - Facoltà di Interpretariato e Traduzione, MA-LUSPIO, 14 years of experience
Miss Marina Contact directly
Eager and passionate reader and writer
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: Freelance translator and interpreter / Specialized in Audio Visual Translation (subtitling, SDH, audiodescription, script transcript...) / English and Spanish teacher/ Eager and passionate reader and writer.
bakcsi Contact directly
Native in Hungarian Native in Hungarian
TU Budapest, Fachübersetzer und Dolmetscher, GD-Technical Unversity Budapest, 26 years of experience
David Waters Contact directly
An engineer with business experience
United Kingdom
Native in English 
University of Sheffield
EMatt Contact directly
Lawyer & acountant with over 35 yrs. exp
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
Bio: German and US law degrees. Advanced degree in US translation. Vice President Wells Fargo Bank in charge of corporate and international department. Free-lance legal and financial translator. ATA certified German into English and English into German.
Sabine Keck Contact directly
Native in German Native in German
Bio: Lavoro da tanti anni come traduttrice e interprete. Ho una partita IVA (cfr. mio sito internet: sk-traduzioni.com).
Message: Lavoro da tanti anni come traduttrice e interprete (it > de). Ho una partita IVA (cfr. mio sito internet: sk-traduzioni.com). Chiedete più informazioni!!!
InterloKution Contact directly
Con spirito!
Native in French 
Bio: -13 years in Germany
- german and french degree
- intercultural background
- very reliable, precise but very creative translator
- music, legal, paper industry, wood industry, cosmetics ans luxus
Message: Open for new opportunities!
grisslee Contact directly
Translations from a qualified engineer
Native in English Native in English, Dutch Native in Dutch
University of Southampton, BA-University of Sussex, 32 years of experience
Francis Fine Contact directly
United States
Native in Chinese Native in Chinese, English Native in English
64 years of experience
Martina Meneghetti Contact directly
Consider it done!
Native in Italian Native in Italian
Bio: MA in East Asia Languages and Culture at Ca' Foscari Univerity of Venice, fluent in Chinese and English, 3 years of experience.
Mikhail Yanchenko Contact directly
accurate chemist (ph. D.) and translator
Russian Federation
Native in Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Russian
37 years of experience
Esther Rodrigo Contact directly
Voice over artist and translator
Native in Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) 
Bio: Specialized in the translation of tourism texts from German and English into Spanish.
Have also developed my professional activities in other fields such as European programmes and European policies, and worked for several years as in-house translator in institutions a...
Maria Carolina Pires Contact directly
Certified EN-ES Translator
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
GD-UNLP, 10 years of experience
cantayus Contact directly
Solid academic background/Fast response
United States
Native in Turkish 
Bio: I am a graduate of St.George's High School in Istanbul, Turkey (one of the most reputable in the country) and finished the high school with Matura degree (Austrian High School diploma). I finished my university education at Brandeis University in the US (again, one of t...
Ute Jokisch-Gaede Contact directly
Satisfying customers since 1984
El Salvador
Native in Spanish 
Bio: A German born and living in El Salvador, can translate Spanish in English and viceversa, as well as German to Spanish and English.
angels pons Contact directly
Scientific and technical translations
Native in Catalan Native in Catalan, Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
Generalitat de Catalunya Barcelona, Universitat de Vic, Traducció i Documentació, Facultat de Ciències Humanes, OTHER-Nivel K - Correcció de Textos Orals i Escrits- de la Junta Permanent del Català, 22 years of experience
cecilia19 Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: I am a lawyer with experience in contracts
sophieisidoro Contact directly
Native in English Native in English
20 years of experience
Katharine Ridgard Contact directly
Jewellery, Watchmaking, Luxury Goods
United Kingdom
Native in English Native in English
Bio: FR>EN, IT>EN translator specialising in the luxury goods market
Message: Pleased to meet you! Enchantée! Piacere!
Melissa Gaviria Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, English Native in English
Bio: I am a freelance translator with broad experience translating from ENG>SPA and vice versa in a variety of fields including financial, technical, academic, medical and general. I was recently part of a large-scale project which involved translating a large cement company...
Message: Hi everyone! I am a freelance translator looking to make new contacts. I am eager to meet people and find work opportunities.
simona leggero Contact directly
Native in Italian 
17 years of experience
Lucia Vargas Contact directly
Professionalism and quality
Native in Spanish 
17 years of experience
Maria Colangelo Contact directly
Native in Italian 
Master at university of Pisa, MA-University of Naples, 24 years of experience
Chiara Perinot Contact directly
Native in Italian Native in Italian
MA-University Of Venice, 25 years of experience
Maria Bolet Contact directly
Native in Catalan Native in Catalan, Spanish Native in Spanish
Bio: I love translating and this is my life. I have been doing this all my life, even if I didnt realize wenn I was a child
Message: Wellcome to this event
Laura Rodríguez O'Dwyer Contact directly
Professional multilingual Translator
Native in Spanish 
IES en Lenguas Vivas "J.R.F", Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Escuela Superior de Idiomas, GD-Translator for German, AATI, 22 years of experience
Karine Arakelyan Contact directly
Native in Armenian Native in Armenian, Russian Native in Russian
GD-Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov, 24 years of experience
Ana Raffo Contact directly
Public health, journalism, subtitles.
United States
Native in Spanish 
University of Massachusetts, Boston., OTHER-University of Massachusetts, Boston, 28 years of experience
Carolina DSCruz Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
17 years of experience
Ben Dawlatly Contact directly
Precision translation
United Kingdom
Native in English 
Bio: I have a Master’s degree in Hispanic Language, Culture and History with a core course in Translation Studies from UCL, and I completed my undergraduate studies in Hispanic Studies in 2009 at UCL. I have worked at Computer Aided Elearning in Valencia, Spain and Dexway-...
Message: Hi,

I'm looking to network with outsourcers and agencies that need reliable, experiences Spanish<>English translators.
Megan Cornish Contact directly
FR/DE-EN | Marketing, sports and tourism
Native in English (Variant: British) 
Swansea University, MA-Swansea University, ITI, CIOL, 17 years of experience
barro Contact directly
Native in English Native in English
Freelancer and outsourcer
jaymin Contact directly
Your outsourcing partner in Translation
Native in Korean Native in Korean, English Native in English
Message: thanks for holding another exciting event for translators!!
Carine BOUTINARD Contact directly
Finance & cybersec., 16 yrs of exp.
Native in French Native in French
Université de Provence, University of Surrey, OTHER-Postgraduate diploma in Specialist Translation and Translation Technology (University of Surrey), SFT, 16 years of experience
Umbrella Contact directly
Native in German 
BA-Ecole de Traduction et d'Interprétation, 18 years of experience
Maria Alvarez Contact directly
Expertise in Law, Marketing & Biology
Native in French (Variant: Standard-France) Native in French, Spanish (Variant: Standard-Spain) Native in Spanish
Cert. de aptitud - Esc. Oficial de Idiomas, Madrid, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación, Educational Testing Service - TOEFL, MA-Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ASETRAD, 18 years of experience
lwsmalley (X) Contact directly
Accurate and Reliable Translation
United States
Native in English Native in English
B.A. in Spanish from University of Oregon, BA-University of Oregon, 13 years of experience
Lucy Arbuckle Contact directly
Quality, Accuracy and Style
Native in English Native in English
University College Cork, MA-University College Cork, Ireland, 15 years of experience
Sergei Medvedev Contact directly
language intelligence to tap into
Native in Russian (Variants: Standard-Belarus, Standard-Russia) 
СПбГУ, GD-Universität Leipzig, 24 years of experience
Federica Pierantozzi Contact directly
Accurate and detail-oriented
Native in Italian 
Bio: I graduated in 2009 in Translation and Interpreting studies and from then I have beed working as translator from English and French into Italian. I have experience as English teacher with kids and teenagers. Now I am working as receptionist in an prestigious hotel in m...
Message: Hey everyone! So happy to have this interesting opportunity and hope to have success. Good luck!
Jaclyn McLoughlin Contact directly
FR/IT>EN translator & subtitler
United Kingdom
Native in English (Variant: UK) 
BA French and Italian, MA-University of Roehampton, London, 14 years of experience
Vera Fleischer Contact directly
Looking to translate DE>EN or EN>DE
Native in German Native in German, English Native in English
Bio: I was born and raised in Germany and have lived in the United States since 1996. For the last eight years, I have worked as a freelance translator. I have translated software manuals, technical specs, marketing materials, biographies, lifestyle articles, etc.
Message: Hi, my name is Vera. I live in San Francisco and am looking for new freelance translation opportunities for DE>EN or EN>DE!
UtaKreuzburg Contact directly
teacher with experience in translation
Native in German Native in German
14 years of experience
Ana Dubra Contact directly
Professional, reliable and creative
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish
Colegio de Traductores Públicos del Uruguay, Universidad de la República (Facultad de Derecho), BA-UdelaR, CTPU, 22 years of experience
Rocío Ghigo Contact directly
Translator, Reviewer, Project Manager
Native in Spanish 
Instituto de Enseñanza Superior Olga Cossettini, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, GD-UNR, 16 years of experience
Rafael Molina Pulgar Contact directly
30+ years in financial, business, legal
Native in Spanish (Variant: Latin American) Native in Spanish
Bio: Being a linguist (Sorbonne University) and having lived, studied and in the US (3 years), in two French speaking countries (11 years), in Panama (6 years), in Mexico (18 years), and in the Dominican Republic (22 years), I considered myself thoroughly capable of perfectl...
Message: Hi there colleagues!
Darío Rivas Contact directly
Native in Spanish 
Bio: Graduated in translation at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Fluent English and native Spanish. EN-SP/SP-EN freelancer.
Message: Hi all. My name's Darío Rivas and I'm an EN-SP SP-EN translator. I'd love to attend to this great event with all of you.
MANUEL DE LA FUENTE Contact directly
Native in Spanish Native in Spanish, English Native in English
Bio: Translator for Ernst & Young Colombia and for Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.