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Money matters Amazon purchases an automated machine translation company And answer came there none Which is no surprise. Charlie Bavington Oct 16, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you cope with a client sending many reference files and glossaries for a translation? Ignore option? I'm happy to plug-n-play most glossaries (unless
they're utter crud). In my experience, the more
reference material you're sent, the worse quality
it is. So if they send one document, I
Charlie Bavington Oct 16, 2015
Business issues How much direct crowdsourced aid is compatible with professional practice? I remember when this was all fields [quote]Chris S wrote: Absolutely. But then it
isn't a site for professionals.
[/quote] Giovanni's right, back in the day, it
used to be. Perceived abuses of the kudoz system
Charlie Bavington Oct 14, 2015
Money matters Agency policy: vendors are to be paid where they pay taxes? Well I wouldn't want to underestimate them either :-) As has been pointed out, a general policy of
"paying vendors where they pay taxes" sounds a
little bit too much of an imposition by a client
on how we run our businesses. And as such sligh
Charlie Bavington Oct 13, 2015
Money matters Agency policy: vendors are to be paid where they pay taxes? Luxembourg itself One wonders, given the on-going discussion around
Luxembourg's role in tax avoidance and, indeed,
evasion, whether the issue is not so much that you
have chosen to operate a bank account o
Charlie Bavington Oct 13, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of the following issues do you dislike discussing with clients the most? Also true [quote]Julian Holmes wrote: If they don't
accept my initial brush-off and try to make me
reconsider, for example, by extending the deadline
or dangling a carrot in the form of a higher
Charlie Bavington Oct 13, 2015
Business issues How much direct crowdsourced aid is compatible with professional practice? Indicative of everything wrong with modern society [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: Yes, but what if
you don't [u]need[/u] to ask 3000 questions per
year, but you [i]want to[/i]
anyway? [/quote] Screw that, frankly. If you
want to
Charlie Bavington Oct 13, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of the following issues do you dislike discussing with clients the most? murky... [quote]Julian Holmes wrote: But, then, as a
technical translator, I hardly ever get asked to
do 'murky' stuff like assault rifle manuals or
Waterboarding for Dummies written in Japanese
Charlie Bavington Oct 13, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of the following issues do you dislike discussing with clients the most? Whereas.... [quote]Nikki Scott-Despaigne wrote: I'm taking
it that the question uses the term "issue" to mean
"problem" and not just "matter".
[/quote] ... I took it to mean matter, subject,<
Charlie Bavington Oct 13, 2015
Business issues How much direct crowdsourced aid is compatible with professional practice? seven thousand plus A notorious kudoz poster reached the milestone of
her 7,000th question this weekend. She's been a
member here not quite ten years. She also posts
questions on TC. I remember being invo
Charlie Bavington Oct 12, 2015
Money matters How much do you pay for web access? No-one ever needs customer service until they need customer service [quote]Tom in London wrote: I never need
customer service, Oliver. [/quote] I know what
you mean. But never move house. They still owe me
£20 from when I was with them years ago and
Charlie Bavington Oct 9, 2015
Wordfast support WFC: What do YOU use the BTM for? I don't [quote]Samuel Murray wrote: So, how do *you*
use the BTM? [/quote] I do know what it
means and used it once or twice in the past (years
ago) without really understanding the poin
Charlie Bavington Oct 8, 2015
Money matters Amazon purchases an automated machine translation company You pay more if they pay nothing [quote]Maija Cirule wrote: so what? Why I
should be concerned about their tax payment
practices? [/quote] A company doing business in
a country makes both direct and indirect use of<
Charlie Bavington Oct 7, 2015
Business issues Contractual Issue - Problem or Not a Problem? Some mild batting could result [quote]Julian Holmes wrote: Good point,
Charlie. If a customer is not going to pay you on
time or not at all, they will do that, anyway,
regardless of whether they give you advance
Charlie Bavington Sep 30, 2015
Business issues Contractual Issue - Problem or Not a Problem? The only sensible reaction [quote]Andy Watkinson wrote: [quote]Julian
Holmes wrote: I am currently negotiating with a
prospective new customer. Their Payment Policy
document includes the following
Charlie Bavington Sep 30, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Where do you usually sit while you are working? So... [quote]Chris S wrote: Right now I'm sitting on
the toilet [/quote] and if you were working (as
per the question) at the time, does that mean you
passed an [quote]Samantha Payne wrote:
Charlie Bavington Sep 22, 2015
Money matters insulting, ridiculous offer... from a EU translator Odious comparison [quote]Bernhard Sulzer wrote: "that speaking
out is at best unproductive." You don't want me to
start telling you what happened in the history of
mankind when people kept quiet about t
Charlie Bavington Sep 19, 2015
Business issues If this were a translation mistake, would the translator be liable? Hmmmm Perhaps they've become a little less biased in
recent years or maybe I'm just lucky with the
Traflagar policy (through CIoL) but the traps
mentioned above do not appear to figure in mine.<
Charlie Bavington Sep 18, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Which of the following is your foremost priority? Earnings. It's all about the money. All that other stuff is
unlikely to satisfy the Bank of Scotland, or
Sainsburys, or npower (spit) or 3 Valleys Water,
and so on and so forth. It is a pity this
Charlie Bavington Sep 18, 2015
Business issues If this were a translation mistake, would the translator be liable? Same answer as the same answer as before [quote]Henry Hinds wrote: Every time this
subject arises I ask if anyone knows of a
translator who has become subject to liability.
It's been years and years, and I have yet to get
Charlie Bavington Sep 16, 2015
Money matters Sending bills from UK to Spain True [quote]Thomas T. Frost wrote: [quote]Charlie
Bavington wrote: Just to make it complicated,
even if the OP were registered for VAT in the UK,
translation services billed to a business
Charlie Bavington Sep 16, 2015
Money matters Sending bills from UK to Spain Minor point [quote]Luke Mersh wrote: I told them that in
the UK you can not register for a VAT number until
you reach the threshold [/quote] Yes you can.
You can register for VAT at any level
Charlie Bavington Sep 16, 2015
Money matters An agency asked for proof of qualifications when asked about a late payment Ah but.... [quote]Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz wrote: Sigh,
another rude agency from the UK. I wonder what's
going on in the country that essentially invented
the concept of gentlemanly conduct. [/qu
Charlie Bavington Sep 15, 2015
Windows operating systems What is a "technical guy"? Nonetheless... [quote]Tom in London wrote: I think you ought
to re-read my original post, and my follow-ups. I
did not ask anything like the question you
attribute to me. [quote]Michael Wetzel
Charlie Bavington Sep 14, 2015
Windows operating systems What is a "technical guy"? Impossible to answer [quote]Tom in London wrote: That, plus the
absence of any coherent explanation in this thread
of why a "technical guy" is necessary, or of what
he actually does,.... (snip) [/quote]
Charlie Bavington Sep 13, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Which best reflects your opinion of CAT tools? Misconception no. 1 [quote]Teresa Borges wrote: most of the texts I
translate are creative and not repetitive,
[/quote] CAT tools can in fact help just as
much to make sure you do not repeat yourself,
Charlie Bavington Sep 12, 2015
Being independent Do Freelance Translators Lack Self-Esteem? Terminology issue? [quote]Claire Cox wrote: I certainly have the
impression that many colleagues are lacking in
self-esteem - or business confidence, as James
described it ..... Now whether that's lack of
Charlie Bavington Sep 9, 2015
Windows operating systems What is a "technical guy"? reluctance [quote]Tom in London wrote: I'm here to garner
as much knowledge as possible about what my
experience would be if I started to use
Windows.[/quote] You do seem reluctant, though.
Charlie Bavington Sep 4, 2015
Windows operating systems What is a "technical guy"? D'y need a "words guy"? [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]Emma
Goldsmith wrote: stuff [/quote] Couldn't
understand a word of that- sorry. [/quote] Made
perfect sense to me. Although I suspect there m
Charlie Bavington Sep 4, 2015
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Proofreading a very "liberal" translation: advice needed For speed [quote]Wendy Leech wrote: I would have been
more than happy to proofread the English as a
document in its own right; the issue comes when I
am told to cross-check it against the
Charlie Bavington Sep 4, 2015
Proofreading / Editing / Reviewing Proofreading a very "liberal" translation: advice needed Subject of thread [quote]jyuan_us wrote: Isn't it your job to
delete any information that is not found in the
source text [/quote] That is essentially the
crux of the question this thread, given the
Charlie Bavington Sep 4, 2015
Business issues How interdependent are different POs from the same outsourcer? Predicament indeed [quote]Mikhail Kropotov wrote: I would love to
find out more about the agency's detailed
reasoning, but I doubt I will be able to elicit
much more out of them without being represented
Charlie Bavington Sep 3, 2015
Business issues How interdependent are different POs from the same outsourcer? Eyebrows raised [quote]Mikhail Kropotov wrote: Due to your
[inadequate performance], we lost a very important
client resulting in having to forfeit payment for
other translations (other languages) as w
Charlie Bavington Sep 3, 2015
Business issues How interdependent are different POs from the same outsourcer? The "And Another Thing" Approach [quote]Mikhail Kropotov wrote: They claim that
"they've put a hold on my account" because they
somehow incurred damages in connection with my
work on the uninvoiced PO which outweigh th
Charlie Bavington Sep 3, 2015
Money matters Offering post-editing services: yes or no? Sometimes it works [quote]Gabriele Demuth wrote: if it generally
takes more time than translating from scratch, why
is this still being offered? [/quote] I only
tried it once, with a simple text (an
Charlie Bavington Aug 29, 2015
Money matters Offering post-editing services: yes or no? Why not? [quote]Elisa Fernández Vic wrote: I have
recently been contacted by an agency for
post-editing services and, while I refused, this
has left me thinking about why should or should
Charlie Bavington Aug 29, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you intend to sell your freelance business when you retire? I might At any given instant, a business, whether
incorporated or otherwise, will have both assets
and liabilities. Assets will include accounts
receivable (money you are owed, mainly by
Charlie Bavington Aug 28, 2015
Scams be careful of fraud on ProZ Genuine need [quote]aschwam wrote: Any ideas why someone
might do this? [/quote] Seems possible the
actual translation need is genuine enough and you
are simply not being paid for it, full stop.<
Charlie Bavington Aug 27, 2015 job systems Enough is enough One and the same [quote]Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL wrote: but
my goal is to reach my target first... I don't go
on holiday when I accomplish that, on the
contrary... :-) [/quote] Going on holiday I
Charlie Bavington Aug 27, 2015
Scams be careful of fraud on ProZ Is it your contention the document is fake? [quote]aschwam wrote: ... and sent an
official-looking French bank document verifying
that a bank transfer had been made between our
accounts (I also live in France and have the same
Charlie Bavington Aug 27, 2015 job systems Enough is enough Rationally, yes [quote]Gabriele Demuth wrote: I feel that this
is a very strange market. Because if well
educated and skilled people cannot make a
reasonable living by charging adequate prices then<
Charlie Bavington Aug 27, 2015 job systems Enough is enough Hear, hear [quote]Angela Rimmer wrote: (God, I hate the
word "peanuts".) [/quote] See also
Charlie Bavington Aug 26, 2015
Scams What do you reckon - smells bad? Served a useful purpose [quote]Teresa Borges wrote: It seems that I
know my maths, but apparently I do need a new pair
of glasses as I wrote correctly but read 0.0412...
Sorry! [/quote] No worries. It has s
Charlie Bavington Aug 24, 2015
Scams What do you reckon - smells bad? Interpretation [quote]Teresa Borges wrote: [quote]Joakim Braun
wrote: And 13,000 EUR is way too much, and 4
months way too long, and an address
isn't what someone with a 13,000 EUR trans
Charlie Bavington Aug 24, 2015
Money matters Help! Quoted source word count is 1/3 of the actual word count! Nub and crux [quote]Angela Rimmer wrote: The contract is not
"translation of X document by this time at this
price", rather it is "translation of 9000 words by
this time at this price". [/quote]
Charlie Bavington Aug 23, 2015
Money matters Help! Quoted source word count is 1/3 of the actual word count! Inconsistent advice? [quote]Nikki Scott-Despaigne wrote: 1) The
basic facts. The Agent believed that it was
supplying 9,000 and you believed you were
accepting 9,000 words. It was not until some later
Charlie Bavington Aug 23, 2015
Money matters Help! Quoted source word count is 1/3 of the actual word count! Possibly a little late [quote]DJHartmann wrote: The translation of
this project is going well, [/quote] This is
not the impression created by either this thread
or the rest of the letter! [quote] I�
Charlie Bavington Aug 22, 2015
Business issues Non-Disclosure Agreement: Is this typical? Only one minor quibble [quote]Rebecca Lyne wrote: for a period of 10
(ten) years after the last service provided for XX
and from the date on which I receive the documents
for translation and/or the date of th
Charlie Bavington Jul 17, 2015
Translation in the UK Certificate of Fiscal Residence - Completing form for freelancing in UK Double taxation [quote]Tom in London wrote: [quote]LaraBarnett
wrote: I have a client in Portugal asking for a
Certificate of Fiscal Residence in order to
receive work from them.[/quote] the Doub
Charlie Bavington Jul 14, 2015
Off topic How This Amazing Woman Helped Her Unborn Child Learn to Speak 57 Languages! Out of the mouths of babes..... Fear not, it is so obviously intended as a spoof
I'm astounded anyone was taken in. However, I
think someone must have been reading this
website's discussion from two (or was it 3?)
Charlie Bavington Jul 12, 2015



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