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Search results: (38 matches)
Romanian Fir despre cărţi Traducerile azi Voiam să vă propun, în completare la ceea ce
s-a discutat aici, o idee care mi-a venit
lecturând acest topic: una din principalele mele
preocupări în domeniul traducerilor este acela
Dan Butuza Oct 31, 2011
Office applications Word very slow when editing a very long doc (320 pages, 50000 w) Yes, repagination seems to work but... still, the doc is to slow to open, I use Word 2007
and it gives me a feeling of uncertainty every
time I work with docs in Word (will it crash now,
later, will crash eventually etc.). Tha
Dan Butuza Jun 10, 2010
Office applications Word very slow when editing a very long doc (320 pages, 50000 w) Maybe this happened to someone: I'm trying to
translate a very long document in Word (320 pages,
50000 w) by overwriting or deleting the source
text (yes! there still are clients who want
Dan Butuza Jun 10, 2010
Trados support Global search-and-replace in a number of TTX-files Synergy If you have Synergy, you can glue all the ttx
files, make the corrections globally, then unglue
them. Dan
Dan Butuza Feb 23, 2009
Trados support TagEditor closes when trying to open a ttx doc The originals are doc files (TagEditor disappears, there's no trace of it in Windows Task Manager [quote]Spiros Doikas wrote: If the program
closes then something could be wrong with the
files. You could try with the original files (non
.ttx) and the .ini file they used, in order to
Dan Butuza Sep 26, 2008
Trados support TagEditor closes when trying to open a ttx doc I would appreciate a little help from Trados
veterans, if possible. Here is the story, rather
simple: I received ttx files from an agency for
proofreading and the related TM. However, whe
Dan Butuza Sep 26, 2008
Hindi Master's degree in Hindu philosophy Thank you! I have, by now, a very happy friend! All the info
is great! Thank you, Dan
Dan Butuza Oct 2, 2007
Hindi Master's degree in Hindu philosophy Much obliged, Your Majency (sic!)! Jotted down, too! Will try the link... Dan Butuza Oct 1, 2007
Hindi Master's degree in Hindu philosophy Thank you! Thank you so much, Ritu! I'm taking these link
into consideration and I've already bookmarked
them! Dan
Dan Butuza Oct 1, 2007
Hindi Master's degree in Hindu philosophy Hi, all, This is hardly related to translation,
but I couldn't think of a better source of
information than you, Indian translators. A very
dear friend of mine is very interested in a
Dan Butuza Oct 1, 2007
Greek Holiday in Greece Much obliged, Assimina... I'm still considering any info I can get, as I'm
not leaving yet! Thank you, Assimina, for your
suggestions. I will check those links and add
them to my favourites! Thanks again, Dan
Dan Butuza May 22, 2007
Greek Holiday in Greece Thanks, Diamantis... I'm narrowing it down, you know...thanks to
you! Halkidiki (Afitos) or Corfu. Diamantis, if
it's not much, I could ask you to find prices for
accommodation, it's better from the source.
Dan Butuza May 8, 2007
Greek Holiday in Greece Funny... Halkidiki was my first choice last year, but I
never made it...Things happened and we had to
postpone. So, I'll look again into Halkidiki info.
After extensive search, it was Sani resort w
Dan Butuza May 8, 2007
Greek Holiday in Greece Thank you, Dimitra! Thank you, Dimitra! I jotted this down, and I will
search the internet for further info, I'm feeling
better already :)
Dan Butuza May 8, 2007
Greek Holiday in Greece Holiday in Greece Well, it's final! I chose Greece as my
destination for holiday this summer! Such being
the case, after searching the internet,
frantically collecting information and reading
Dan Butuza May 7, 2007
Translator resources Power Point: how to count words You could give this a try... I did a PP translation a while ago, and, if I
remember well, I used this method (taken from some
forum or internet, I can't really
remember): Convert the PP into pdf, then save the
Dan Butuza Mar 14, 2007
Off topic Your favourite TV series ever Best ever... Seinfeld (immortal!) and Prison Break
Dan Butuza Feb 15, 2007
Off topic Happy Christmas to Everyone Candles in our souls... A no-snow day here in Romania...Nevertheless,
everyone enjoys the moment. Let us rejoice on
the day Christ was born. MERRY CHRISTMAS! HAPPY
Dan Butuza Dec 24, 2006
Linguistics Ethics

[Edited at 2006-05-21 10:57]
Dan Butuza May 20, 2006 Translator Coop If you use the old site design, please switch to the standard one by April 23 Solved! I managed to solve the problem by reading a thread
posted recently. Thank you, Jason, for your
suggestions. Dan
Dan Butuza May 20, 2006 Translator Coop If you use the old site design, please switch to the standard one by April 23 Of no avail... There is no button "Switch to new design" that I
can use, and when I click on the link, the same
page appears, the one with this thread... What am
I doing wrong? Dan
Dan Butuza May 17, 2006 Translator Coop If you use the old site design, please switch to the standard one by April 23 Switching to the new design Hi, Jason! One short q: I accidentally switched
back to old design of my profile and now I don't
know how to return to my new design profile, as
"Switch to new design" button isn't there<
Dan Butuza May 16, 2006
KudoZ ALAS! It Has Become Impossible For Me To Post an Answer >:( Solved! I've just managed to post a reply! It seems
everything is back to normal...
Dan Butuza May 4, 2006
KudoZ ALAS! It Has Become Impossible For Me To Post an Answer >:( Needless to say... It's happening for English>Romanian pair,
too...Let's hope it won't last, though...
Dan Butuza May 4, 2006
Office applications A partial wordcount in a word doc A solution You can make a copy of the file, then: View-Find.
Click the Format button, then click on Highlight.
In the search options click the box Wildcards. In
the field Find What: * Replace wit
Dan Butuza Apr 8, 2006
Translation Theory and Practice The 3 manners of translation Another one Uses a CAT tool, then cleans-up. :D Dan Butuza Mar 4, 2006
Off topic What's your sign? Leo - Tech Born to be a winner, they say. Hmm...(I say). Dan Butuza Feb 6, 2006
Internet for translators Free e-books Free e-books Surfing the internet I stumbled across this link,
and I thought it would be of great interest for
those who (still) enjoy reading. So,
Dan Butuza Feb 5, 2006
Internet for translators VoipStunt Tested also It works, but your free calls to landline regular
phones are restricted to 1 min duration, and you
have to buy a credit of 10 euros to get free
unlimited calls to these phones. They only a
Dan Butuza Jan 30, 2006
Software applications copy and paste from Adobe Try this... The way I see it: when you rclick on the selected
table in Adobe there is only "Copy to clipboard"
option. Click on that, then open the word file and
rclick at the insertion point and clic
Dan Butuza Dec 21, 2005
General technical issues IP address locator Try this... Hi, Marcela! Try I've tried it for
some time and it's quite
satisfactory. Regards, Dan
Dan Butuza Dec 21, 2005
Romanian Trăim cu IT zi de zi... Aveţi grijă de ochii voştri... Am reuşit şi eu să achiziţionez un monitor TFT
(vă recomand Samsung) iar primul şi cel mai
important motiv a fost protecţia ochilor mei.
Diferenţele se simt aproape imediat, ochii
Dan Butuza Feb 7, 2005
Romanian La Multi Ani! Sarbatori fericite! La multi ani si tie Andrei! La multi ani tuturor
traducatorilor romani de pe net! Sa traduceti cat
mai mult si cat mai bine/ Si in anul care vine!
Dan Butuza Dec 6, 2002
Romanian ATESTAREA TRADUCATORILOR ATESTAREA TRADUCATORILOR As vrea foarte mult sa stiu mai multe despre
institutiile care atesta traducatori la noi in
tara si care sunt recunoscute si in strainatate.
In afara de binecunoscutul minister al culturii
Dan Butuza Nov 20, 2002
Romanian Semnatura electronica Raspuns pentru Andrei Multumesc, Andrei. Cam acelasi lucru mi se
intampla si mie cand vine vorba de semnat. Asta e!
Mai asteptam.
Dan Butuza Nov 13, 2002
Romanian Semnatura electronica Semnatura electronica As vrea sa va intreb putin despre semnatura
electronica. Nu stiu exact care este regimul ei
legal, avand in vedere ca unele agentii iti cer
semnatura pe facturi, contracte si altele, in
Dan Butuza Nov 12, 2002
Romanian SUCCES ! SUCCES ! Am aflat destul de tarziu despre powwow-ul de la
Cluj si desi eu sunt chiar din localitate, n-o sa
pot participa la acest eveniment deosebit, zic eu.
Imi pare rau, pentru ca as fi vrut sa-
Dan Butuza Nov 2, 2002
Dan Butuza Nov 2, 2002

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