The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Telecom(munications) Translation Glossary

German term English translation
Lockanruf missed call marketing
Lotkugel solder ball
Magnetfußantenne magnetic base antenna
Makeln call transfer / broker's call
makeln to switch; to alternate
Manipulantin (im Fernmeldedienst) switchboard operator
Mastbelegung *dedicated sections of the mast
Mehrfachabstützung multi-support
Entered by: Hannah Gunasingh
Mehrgeräteanschluss multi-device connection
Mehrwertdiensteanbieter value-added service provider (VASP)
mehrwertnummer Pay-per-call
Mess-Rucksack measurement device rucksack
messtechnisch bedienen test/measure
Mindestreichweite minimum range/coverage
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Minutenentgelt per minute charge
mit der Gestalt einer Schleife ring-shaped [in this particular IP law-related, linguistically oriented type of context]
Entered by: Sebastian Witte
mit Kontaken belegt connected to
mitschalten switched on concurrently
mitteilen communicate
mobiler Auftritt mobile presence
Mobilfunk mobile communications
Entered by: Caitriona O'Callanain
Mobilfunkanbieter mobile communications provider
Mobilfunkangebot cell/mobile phone package / mobile communications package
Mobilfunkanlage mobile phone base station / cellular base station
Mobilfunkantenne mobile (cell)phone antenna, mobile telecommunications antenna
Mobilfunkdurchdringung mobile phone market penetration
Mobilfunkstrahlungen mobile phone / cell phone emissions
MSW - SSW Main SWitch/ Secondary SWitch
Muffenablage coupling plug (with collar)
Entered by: Marc Svetov
nach Abschluß der Hauseinführung after in-house-launch/implementation
Nachfuehrung changes appear onscreen within the following times
Nachmaß remeasuring or remeasurement or reassessment
Entered by: Kathi Stock
Nachvermarktung post-sales marketing / aftermarket sales
Nachwahlziffer extension
Nägel mit Köpfen. Mit klugen Köpfen. Getting IT together. Smart thinking
Nebenstellenanlage private (automatic) branch exchange, PBAX
Nebenstellenanschlüsse extensions
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Netzausrüster network equipment provider (NEP)
Entered by: Bernd Runge
Netzeffektgut network effect commodity
netzinternes Gespräch calls within a network
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