Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

packaged plant

Dutch translation:

kant-en-klare installatie

Added to glossary by Margreet Mohle
Mar 8, 2011 10:27
13 yrs ago
English term

packaged plants

English to Dutch Science General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
" In December 1971, Aqua Engineering Co. was formed to fill a specific vacuum that we felt existed in the water and wastewater field.
Although numerous firms in Northern California supplied specific products for this field, there was a need for one firm that is capable of engineering and supplying complete packaged systems that can assume single responsibility for quality and compatibility of all components. Aqua Engineering was formed to fill this need.
After several moves to accommodate increased business, Aqua purchased and moved to its current facilities of over 13,000 sq. ft., fully devoted to the manufacture of package sewage stations, water pressure systems, chlorination and treatment packages and a variety of automatic controls and standby automatic generator sets."


We engineer and manufacture:

AQUALIFT: Packaged Sewage lift Stations

AQUABOOST: Packaged Pressure Boosting Stations

AQUATROL: Custom Designed Controls

Automatic Standby Power Systems

Proposed translations (Dutch)
3 kant-en-klare installaties
Change log

Mar 29, 2011 17:24: Margreet Mohle Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

8 hrs

kant-en-klare installaties

Het gaat hier denk ik om een standaardinstallatie, die als een pakket kan worden besteld. De "custom" installaties worden gebouwd volgens de wensen van de klant.
Example sentence:

Met behulp van deze door [...] ontworpen en door [...] gebouwde HPS systemen kan een kant-en-klaar gebouwde en geteste installatie geleverd worden [...].

Het gamma bestaat uit olie/waterafscheiders tot complete waswaterrecyclage systemen op skid gemonteerd en kant en klaar afgeleverd.

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