Apr 17, 2023 10:36
1 yr ago
38 viewers *
German term

wild (in the context of Ausbund)

German to English Other Cooking / Culinary Bread
From a catalogue for bread products.
I know that Ausbund is “bloom”.
I think that “wild” in this context means something like random or irregular. I’m just having trouble thinking of the right word at the moment.

schräg verlaufenden Einschnitten, die sich im Backprozess zu einem wilden Ausbund geformt haben

Proposed translations

1 hr

Rustic (bloom or crust)

I'm assuming you're looking for something that sounds positive and appealing and often used in the context of baked goods. Doesn't look factory-made. Alternatively: unique rips in the crust.
Note from asker:
Thanks :) This works perfectly.
Peer comment(s):

agree Lancashireman : Yes, sounds very appealing
1 hr
Ta for your support
agree Michele Fauble
5 hrs
Thanks, Michele
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
6 mins


uncontrolled but oh so delightful :-)
Peer comment(s):

neutral philgoddard : I agree about "uncontrolled", but "capricious" sounds a bit odd to me.
1 hr
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1 hr

prominent, obvious

Bloom: The phenomenon of the crust opening or 'blooming' where the slashes have been placed, creating crisp flaps or 'ears' of dough on the top crust where the gas and steam of the bread escapes during baking.

I don't think the idea is "random", because the bloom isn't random - it follows the line of the cuts. It's more that the bread is allowed to do its own thing - as my dictionary reference says in reference to animals, "ungezahmt".
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1 hr


feral = "having escaped from domestication and become wild"

Cafe owners and musicians have considered "feral bloom" to be a poetic collocation, as a Google search will reveal.

(Capricious implies that the dough has a will of its own. Prominent seems to miss the point.)
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