Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jul 19 '05 eng>chi on and off the chip on and off = at and away from pro closed no
- Jul 19 '05 eng>chi it's maybe not a religious experience a religious experience 指 a conversion = 改宗;重生; enlightenment 开悟 pro closed no
4 Jul 19 '05 eng>chi strike FYI: 当一个硅原子同时受到二个光子的碰撞后,受到撞击的原子就会释放出一个电子 pro closed no
- Jun 29 '05 eng>chi view 看法 pro closed no
- Jun 9 '05 eng>chi phising phishing = 网页仿冒;网络钓鱼;网络钓鱼骗术揭秘;网上诱骗 pro closed ok
- Jun 9 '05 eng>chi lap top computer 便携式电脑;膝上型电脑 pro closed no
- Jan 2 '05 eng>chi commercial availability 是否能购得 pro closed no
- Nov 17 '04 eng>chi threading FYI ? pro closed ok
- Nov 17 '04 eng>chi Jolt won't know what to do with it 不怎么会处理 (因为比较精密;敏感 high-performance) pro closed no
- Nov 17 '04 eng>chi first weak blast blast = explosion 爆炸, blast of fire (artillary) I guess. see 'pyrotechnics' pro closed no
- Oct 10 '04 eng>chi that's predicated on the amount of software be predicated on sth pro closed no
- Sep 22 '04 eng>chi There is a lot to be said for keeping standards in your network see pro closed no
- Sep 22 '04 eng>chi Marist College FYI pro closed no
- Sep 19 '04 eng>chi and less and less about camouflaging a tired legacy investment camouflage = hide, disguise;a tired legacy investment = old and tired (like a tired old horse) pro closed no
- Sep 19 '04 eng>chi that purpose changed to lowering users¡¯ response times to 此目的改变为使操作者对the green screens的反应时间降低 pro closed no
- Sep 19 '04 eng>chi pre-tailoring 预先剪裁工作 pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered