Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 30 '20 ita>eng in braghe di tela left Marshall Company out to dry pro closed ok
4 Mar 30 '20 ita>eng il suo tallone d’Achille his weak spot easy closed ok
- Feb 7 '19 ita>eng abbiamo fatto a chi ce lo aveva più duro we went for /played at who had bigger balls/attributes pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '18 ita>eng tette knockers pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '15 ita>eng cuore bianco tutto da inventare, A heart white as untrodden snow pro closed no
- Jun 14 '15 ita>eng rappreso alla fascia sopra la falda ... hat, deformed and soaked in sweat (that) curdled at/along the band above the brim pro closed ok
4 Jun 13 '15 ita>eng arrugginite di antico ancient, rusty with age pro closed no
- Oct 4 '14 ita>eng futili amenità vain/trivial amusements pro closed no
3 Jun 14 '14 ita>eng la lezione the teachings pro closed no
- Feb 4 '14 ita>eng tanti pochi fanno assai mountains are made of pebbles pro closed no
2 Jan 10 '14 ita>eng che si svuota e ritorna leggero. his fingertips squeeze her head freing her of all thought and making her light-headed pro closed no
- Jan 5 '14 ita>eng talmente seriosi che so solemn / solemnly staid that pro closed no
- Nov 15 '13 ita>eng ampio background di letture a reach reading culture / the author is so well-read as to be able... etc. pro closed ok
4 Nov 15 '13 ita>eng da far tremare ogni certezza to (under)mine all certainties / every certainty pro closed ok
3 Oct 6 '13 ita>eng rimasto secco sui lavori croked right there and then (during the performance) pro closed no
- Sep 22 '13 ita>eng entrare in simbiosi to identify with / to immerse in pro closed ok
4 May 18 '13 ita>eng Avere corretto and she put it differently / corrected herself easy closed ok
- May 18 '13 ita>eng fatto tesoro and learned a lot from it pro closed ok
- May 7 '13 ita>eng che torna alla ribalta a phenomenon that (has) regained the international attention pro closed no
- Apr 18 '13 ita>eng ubriacarsi di risate laugh himself silly pro closed ok
- Apr 18 '13 ita>eng curarsi l'orticello looking after his own patch / garden (so as to be able to put aside... etc pro closed ok
- Dec 11 '12 ita>eng alcun altro / alcun' altra second to no-one pro just_closed no
- Dec 11 '12 ita>eng alcun altro / alcun' altra who was as beautiful) as any (girl) pro just_closed no
- Jun 23 '12 ita>eng a chi l'avevo promesso to all who had my pledge (to write it) pro closed no
- Jun 20 '12 ita>eng abbandonarsi alle scorribande to allow herself a romp in the past pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '12 ita>eng salotto buono refined society parlor / parloir de societé / salotto buono pro open no
- Apr 10 '12 ita>eng sono andati affermandosi have become progressively more recognized pro closed no
- Mar 16 '12 ita>eng consolidarsi in sé come into one's own pro closed ok
- Jan 9 '12 ita>eng lettura plurale manifold reading pro closed ok
- Jan 8 '12 ita>eng impronta import/influence/trace in history pro closed no
- Jan 5 '12 ita>eng colpire nel vivo bring the strike/hurt home pro closed no
- Jan 5 '12 ita>eng Un bamboccione per forza constrained to depend on his parents pro closed ok
- Jan 5 '12 ita>eng Bologna la nera Bologna in the black shirt pro closed ok
4 Jan 5 '12 ita>eng paralizzato da se stesso immobilized/incapacitated himself / rendered himself immobile / completely shackled himself pro closed ok
- Jan 5 '12 ita>eng non della prima ora not right away / not from the word "go" pro closed ok
- Jan 5 '12 ita>eng organico al Fascismo x was completely and naturally congenial to fascism pro closed ok
- Jan 3 '12 ita>eng Chiosa aside pro closed ok
- Sep 9 '11 ita>eng ottonario octosyllabic pro closed ok
- Jul 6 '11 ita>eng vitaccia furbyna! Doggone Furby life! pro just_closed no
- Apr 14 '11 ita>eng tendenziosamente fixedly pro closed no
- Mar 9 '11 ita>eng andare fuori mondo drift away from the immediate reality / go beyond the physical world pro closed ok
- Jan 29 '11 ita>eng elettrodomestico, per il resto avido that wanting for everything except two badly aged spuds, this home appliance also boasted a huge pro closed no
4 Jan 12 '11 ita>eng granitica indipendenza iron-clad independence pro closed ok
- Dec 14 '10 ita>eng escamotage di richiami a stylistic device (consisting) of recall/associations/referencing pro closed ok
- Dec 1 '10 ita>eng bagno di parole as usual, drenches you/one in verbiage pro closed ok
- Sep 17 '10 ita>eng la prego di voler accogliere, i sensi del mio profondo rispetto begging your Eminence to accept my sentiments of deepest respect, I remain, faithfully yours, ..... pro closed no
- Sep 5 '10 ita>eng sono occhi ladri che rubano i cuori those are larcenous heart-stealing eyes pro closed ok
- Aug 13 '10 ita>eng un tè a me... ma non un 'me' a 'te' you can make me tea but can't make out with me pro closed no
- May 20 '10 ita>eng Non Sospice e svena Noccier sirena and that's where the (subtle) syren drains the hapless helmsman of his brawn pro closed ok
4 Mar 16 '10 ita>eng l’inverno dei coglioni withering balls (see) pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered