Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 3 '06 fra>eng circuit de distribution court local or more wide-ranging networks pro closed ok
4 Oct 18 '05 fra>eng interprète face à face face to face interpreting pro closed no
- Oct 18 '05 fra>eng interprète de contact direct direct contact interpreting pro closed no
- Aug 12 '05 fra>eng cantonnier park keepers pro closed ok
4 Jul 11 '05 fra>eng acquits d'utilites publiques established (as being of) benefit to the public easy closed no
- Jun 21 '05 eng>eng Dear (Mr?) Minister Dear Mr Blair, Dear Charles Clarke, etc pro closed no
- Apr 22 '05 fra>eng « Prends ça dans les gencives » encaissa Tom Take it on the chin pro closed no
3 Apr 26 '05 fra>eng l'état de santé / sans attention clinique appréciable no notable clinical issues regarding the state of health of xxx pro closed ok
4 Apr 11 '05 eng>eng disabled/invalid invalid =weakened, feeble, disabled may be strong easy closed no
4 Apr 1 '05 fra>eng fabrication ancestrale de produits d’herbes herbal products made with 'age-old' or 'time-honoured' recipes pro closed ok
- Mar 31 '05 eng>eng featured associated with pro closed no
- Mar 24 '05 eng>eng wrapped his slyness around her like soft cotton blanket as his slyness wrapped around her like a soft cotton blanket pro closed no
- Jan 13 '05 fra>eng C'est un cheval un lapin It's like chalk and cheese pro closed no
- Jan 10 '05 fra>eng qu’importe le flacon, pourvu qu’on ait l’ivresse what does the flask matter, if you are transported by the wine pro closed no
- Dec 25 '04 eng>eng circadian rhythm see explanation pro closed ok
4 Dec 20 '04 fra>eng EDS employes de service pro closed ok
4 Nov 25 '04 fra>eng ceille typo for 'seille' pro closed ok
- Nov 22 '04 fra>eng c'était ton ami from one who remembers you as a friend easy closed ok
- Nov 1 '04 eng>eng turf restrictions territorial restrictions pro closed no
- Oct 24 '04 fra>eng clef de leur musique the key to (finding/attaining) a harmonious relationship pro closed no
- Oct 27 '04 fra>eng décoration éphemère evanescent event decorations pro closed ok
4 Oct 21 '04 fra>eng directeur des services départementaux de l'éducation Director of Education for the Departement pro closed ok
4 Oct 13 '04 eng>eng alternancy alternating styles pro closed no
- Oct 13 '04 fra>eng l'audience est unanimement reconnue a travers le monde unanimously (as opposed to by a certain type of person, for example) pro closed no
- Oct 8 '04 fra>eng on en oublie les bernaches comment pro closed ok
- Sep 27 '04 fra>eng donne a new departure pro closed ok
- Sep 27 '04 fra>eng Appréhensions et Expériences preconceived ideas pro closed no
- Sep 2 '04 fra>eng J'ai beau me fier aux... so much for trusting in appearances easy closed ok
- Aug 25 '04 fra>eng Verrière-tapis erable means maple, not oak pro closed no
- Aug 16 '04 fra>eng entreprendre Aspects to consider/ initial considerations pro closed no
- Jun 28 '04 fra>eng medium laque verre medium polished glass pro closed no
4 Jun 25 '04 fra>eng ingénierie de projets project-building pro closed ok
- May 13 '04 fra>eng nargue derides easy closed ok
- May 17 '04 eng>eng word order that was the first contact between these two societies in Europe... pro closed ok
4 May 11 '04 fra>eng homme de foi (a) man of integrity easy closed ok
- May 10 '04 eng>eng that's saying a lot implies a comparison easy closed ok
- May 3 '04 eng>eng continue in a recurrent way continue to regularly/systematically address ... pro closed ok
- May 2 '04 eng>eng barrow away comment about word order in English easy closed no
- Apr 6 '04 fra>eng direction générale du Ministère de l'Education nationale National Office of the Ministry of Education pro closed no
- Apr 2 '04 eng>eng Rolling in the aisles laughing uncontrollably ( British English) pro closed no
- Mar 20 '04 fra>eng troisieme in the Lycee ?? background information pro closed ok
- Mar 14 '04 fra>eng Connaissance du monde contemporain Contemporary Global Issues pro closed no
- Feb 21 '04 fra>eng décliné implemented pro closed no
- Feb 13 '04 fra>eng Inestimable selon la notoriété que le génie mis aux enchères peut apporter notoriete = fame, renown (Harraps' dictionary) pro closed no
- Feb 5 '04 fra>eng qui gouvernent le réchauffeur which govern the triple heater (or three heater - but I've not heard of this) pro closed no
- Jan 14 '04 eng>eng sentence Among people who are also Saggitarians you do eccentric/outrageous things and can be eclectic easy closed ok
- Dec 30 '03 eng>eng a word affixed with '-philia' a slight variation pro closed no
- Jan 7 '04 fra>eng l'objet d'une exploitation publicitaire will not form part of any advertising initiative easy closed no
- Oct 27 '03 fra>eng grosses peluches de caractere great teddy-bear-like creatures easy closed ok
- Oct 29 '03 fra>eng Prendre des vessies pour des lanternes to be easily hoodwinked easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered